The Tesla II pods previously housed at Big Kidz Games have moved to a new facility in Grand Rapids.
That site has been identified as the 4th iteration of the Virtual Geographic League Underground.
The “VGLU” as it is commonly known, started as a skunk-works like off-shoot of the VGL where the UFT cockpit systems were subjected to more “extreme” experimentation and was generally supported by fringe elements of the league. Since its inception in 1999, the VGLU has expanded its scope and now plays a highly visible role in extending the efforts of the VGL in the public sphere.
VGLU members include a cadre of mavericks that include former Chicago LABS researchers, Order of Burton members, and some recognizable Chicago BattleTech Center staff.
BroctoberFest is an annual gathering of VTV and ‘Mech pilots alike and will serve as the Grand Opening for the new facility October 12-14.
More details will be posted as they develop.